Last week I tried to recreate a shot that I saw on one of the website. With the use of 2 external flashes and a white board reflector I could able to get the below shot, however not totally satisfied.
Aperture f16, shutter 1/250th, 1st flash 1/8th power hand held about 3 ft away from the cup, 2nd flash 1/16th power to the left pointing to white board from the bottom.
The 2nd flash was intended to highlight the sugar, but I am not satisfied with the result as I was expecting the sugar to be more sparkled than it really came out......I would give more try to get the shot I am expecting.
Aperture f16, shutter 1/250th, 1st flash 1/8th power hand held about 3 ft away from the cup, 2nd flash 1/16th power to the left pointing to white board from the bottom.
The 2nd flash was intended to highlight the sugar, but I am not satisfied with the result as I was expecting the sugar to be more sparkled than it really came out......I would give more try to get the shot I am expecting.