
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Moon ...

The first posting of my blog – the Moon which implies to my name- Shashi.

Like many of us I always had a wish to take a detailed photograph of moon in which I could see the craters on the moon. Since the time I bought my first DSLR (Canon T1i), I was eager to photograph a moon but the challenge was to go near as much as possible....without a space ship ;-). With the kit lens of 18-55mm it was too difficult to get the close enough capture. To overcome the problem I had two options, either take the picture at the moon rise or have a telephoto zoom. Thanks to Santosh Abhyankar from whom I got the Canon 55-250mm lens and then I chase the moon rise in a city called De Pere (Wisconsin, US) where I am staying..... I think the photo has come near to my expectation, what do you think ??

Canon T1i
f7.1 - 1/230 - ISO100 @250mm